It tells the story of some outstanding people, whose lives are linked in some way to Pallerols de Rialb

On Saturday, July 24, at 8:00 pm, as part of the 27th. Cultural Meeting at the Monastery of Santa Maria de Gualter, in the Barony of Rialb (La Noguera), took place the presentation of the book by Josep Masabeu Pallerols de Rialb. Història i Personatges”.

The event was attended by the President of the County Council of La Noguera, Miquel Plensa; the Mayor of the Barony of Rialb, Antoni Reig; and the Councilor for Culture of the Barony of Rialb, Dolors Caelles. Mn. Bonifaci Fortuny, who previously celebrated the Eucharist, and a good group of families from the Barony.

After some heartfelt words from the Mayor, who wrote the book’s prologue, Josep Masabeu explained its content and the processes it has followed in the search for historical data and documentation.

History and characters are the common threads of this book that focuses in the first place on explaining the farmhouses that make up this nucleus of the Barony of Rialb, around a Romanesque church consecrated by St. Ermengol, Bishop of Urgell between 1010 and 1035; then it deals with the study of prominent figures who stayed there such as Anton Serra i Planes, “Lo Rector de Pallerols” (1808-1875), one of the first Catalan romantic poets, precedent of Verdaguer. He also speaks of Mn. Joan Porta i Perucho (1907-1999), who was rector of the Barony of Rialb for 50 years.

He then addresses the Civil War, when the Barony of Rialb served as a refuge and shelter for many fugitives seeking freedom to Andorra. In this context, the stay of Saint Josemaría Escrivá in November 1937 is explained.

And finally, he describes the rehabilitation of the rectory and the effort to revitalize this environment.

He then answered several questions from the audience, and ended the event with the signing and dedication of books.

We hope that this publication will contribute to the knowledge and promotion of the Barony.

Attached is a 6-minute video, made by Florentí Ysern, showing a photographic summary of the book.